This is your introduction, your first step on the path, your foot in the water, when its comes to Digital Arts & Design at Hunting Hills (unless you took DA&D 9 – then you’ve already had a taste – welcome back).
This course is going to give you chance to try out a ton of different software and equipment. You’ll get glimpses into Photography, Video/Film, Animation and various types of Design (Graphic, Architecture, Layout and more). We will continue to build these skills at the 20 level and then you can branch off into your favorite streams at the 30 level.
We are going to work with Adobe software like Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, After Effects, Sketchup and others. You’ll also have a chance to use our Digital SLR Cameras, Digital Camcorders, Laser Engraver and other equipment.
There is a lot to offer here in the HHHS CTS Department and we want to give you the chance to try as much as possible.
I want to get started right away and have you guys working with the equipment and software as much as possible. But, we have to cover a few things first . . .
Then we need to...
Log into your computers - user: hillsh001 pwd: ab123456
Set up your DOCK - Chrome, AI, AE, PS, PR, LRC, Finder, Launchpad, Settings, Trash - Remove the rest
Create a DA10 Folder and Sub folders - Animation, Graphic Design, Video, Photo, Tech Design
Sign into Chrome
Sign into Adobe Apps